Ffmpeg extract frames clip
Ffmpeg extract frames clip

That is, ffmpeg doesn't cleverly parse the "select" filter to realize that it can stop encoding after 100 frames and just close out the file - instead, it churns through all the remaining frames.

ffmpeg extract frames clip

The issue I'm having is that the "select" filter seems to work, but (understandably) ffmpeg correctly stops encoding at 100 frames and then needs to read every remaining frame just to check the "select" filter, which takes ~30m for this file (if my estimate is correct). I also have the most basic, barebones understanding of Python, just in case that's needed for some reason.Ffmpeg -r 24 -i input.avi -vf 'select=gte(n\,0)*lt(n\,100),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS' -c:v libx264 -b:v 40000k -preset veryslow -profile:v high444 output.mp4 I'm using a mac with up-to-date s0ftware. I would also like to be able to pause the video and be able to have whatever frame I'm paused on extracted. (If I have to trim the video to only contain the frames that I want saved, that is okay but not preferable). I realize that will give me tons of images, but that's fine. Specifically, I want to enter in a certain timeframe to save the frames from, and then have all the individual frames from that timeframe be saved as images in high quality.

ffmpeg extract frames clip

I've looked this up online, but most of the websites I've found seem to be telling me to do things that I don't know how to do, like "writing a path." (If that's an easy thing to explain then give it a shot). I've read that screenshotting the video causes quality loss, which I really don't want. I have some 4k videos that I want to take some frames from. If there's another sub that would be a better place for this post, please let me know.

Ffmpeg extract frames clip